Wednesday 23 May 2012

Birthday Shenanigans

I love that word.


Shenanigans. Shenanigans. Shenanigans.

I'm not even sure if that's a word. And if it is, if that's how it's spelt.

Anyhoo.... Here's what I got up to on my 21st birthday last week.  BEHOLD the only time you shall see a photograph of me at 7am without a scrap of makeup or even a Bra on.  

I know. I'm so sexy at 7am. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

Of course we had cake for Breakfast - as is the Tradition in our house.

Nom Nom.

Three, very excited bed-headed children raced to give me their cards to open first. :)

That card was from Dave about shuving lots of cake and icecream down your gob. Funny much.

The stash!

Showing me how my magic candle works. (((((((SQUEEEEEEZZEEEE)))))))

My present from Dave. This is a whole blog post on its own. Wait for it. It's a good'en...

Gifts, cards and THEE most divine Victoria Sponge ever from my boss and colleagues at ZPM. Yay!

Out for dinner, all alone - no kids! I look huge and flourescent here. Crappy camera on phone.

This was the BEST BEST BEST steak I have ever eaten - literally melt in your mouth. Seriously, if you're ever in Warminster - The Weymouth Arms is THEE place to eat!

Dave's yummy pork tenderloin and stuffs. Yummoooo. (must add: this is pork tenderloin and cheesy balls, but couldn't really write: 'Dave's Pork Tenderloin and Cheesy Balls' now could I?)

How awesome is this mug I got from Zoe? Too bloody right!

So that's it for this years birthday shenanigans, next year is a biggie, so I'm hoping to be whisked away to Paris or New York - hopefully my present will be sparkly, or need a passport to use it. Yay!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes on text, twitter, facebook, el bloggo - you all rock,  like rockstars. xx


  1. Awesome Birthday!!! Love all your pics and comments :)

  2. How did I miss this post then? Oh I love all these pictures, you look disgustingly good at 7a.m :-)

    My husbands always using the word 'shenanigans' yes lets spell it like that!!! Looks like you had a really fab day and your girls look so lovely just like them Mum x


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